Announcement: Change of Management - Deep Hydrografie en Geofysica

Announcement: Change of Management

In recent years Deep has grown to a company with 80-100 employees and a close network of clients. Deep has shown to be financially sound and an independent player in the market and has numerous ambitions, both on a human level (to our clients, partners and own Deepers), as well as in the field of technology and knowledge.

In order to achieve these goals and enable further development of the company, the current management has given the organisational structure a major update over the last year and a half. This restructuring is now nearing completion by adapting management to the new organisation. For the management directly this means:

  • As of December 31, 2019, our Operational Director Gert-Jan Siepel will leave Deep with pain in his heart but with great satisfaction with the developments he has been working on in recent years. Our ways part but “out of sight is not from the heart”!
  • From 1 January 2020, Dieuwertje Smallenburg will enter the position of Managing Director, from which she will lead Operations.
  • Our current Managing Director, Gideon Hein, will enter the position of Financial Director from 1 January 2020.
  • Our current Commercial Director Jurgen Beerens will retain his current position. His area of responsibility also includes Business Development and Marketing.


Our focus remains on people, technology, quality and development. We are convinced that from the renewed organisation that we are ready for the challenges and questions that the market and our clients will ask of us in the future.

The Management Team,

Gideon Hein – Managing Director
Jurgen Beerens – Commercial Director
Gert-Jan Siepel – Operations Director